General der Panzertruppe

General der Panzertruppe (Literally: General of the Armoured Corps) was a rank of German Army General introduced by the Wehrmacht in 1935. As the commander of a Panzer Corp this rank corresponds to a US Army Lieutenant-General. With the formation of the Bundeswehr in 1955, general ranks were changed to follow US Army structure hence a General moved up one position to command of an army, a position formerly held by a Generaloberst.

The rank was equivalent to the long established General der Kavallerie, General der Artillerie and General der Infanterie. The Wehrmacht also introduced General der Gebirgstruppen (mountain troops), General der Pioniere (engineers), General der Fallschirmtruppen (parachute troops), General der Flieger (aviators) and General der Nachrichtentruppen (communications troops).



In the modern German Army of the Bundeswehr, there is a General der Panzertruppen who is usually a brigadier general (Brigadegeneral).


The following officers were General der Panzertruppe:


See also
